I love surfing the web. There are multitudes of information just waiting to be found. One of my favorite things to do is randomly search things, or look for odd pages that spark my interest. Finding a good article or a weird video are in my top favorites.
Last year I was introduced to a toolbar that has been very helpful when I feel like procrastinating homework and finding random stuff on the Internet. StumbleUpon is a toolbar that when added, can lead you to many sites that may be of interest to you. After signing up (for free, of course) you first look through pages of topics and check off the ones that you have an interest in.
After doing this, you download the toolbar. The toolbar includes a StumbleUpon icon that you can freely click to bring you to a site picked out at random from your list of interests. Also included are two other icons of a thumbs up and a thumbs down. By clicking on either of these, you can let StumbleUpon know which kind of sites you want to continue seeing or not.
This feature has been incredibly useful for me. I have found many articles related to my interests and even just websites of cool pictures that I like. I have found fun music tools, free books by the greats, and a way to type in what few things you have in your fridge and get a recipe ready for the making. Awesome. I would recommend trying it, though beware, this can be pretty addicting.
For fun, I am including the recipe website. Yes, even you can cook something with only dried apricot, chocolate, and baked beans!
That sounds like a cool toolbar and one that i could really enjoy becoming addicted too!
I actually stumbled across this video a couple months ago and i think it is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen.
I have seen that video! I also think it's adorable, although, kind of sad. I love that video, good video to stumble across!
StumbleUpon is probably the single biggest reason I didn't kill myself last winter. Hours of entertainment right there.
seriously. stumbleupon has even helped me through a breakup, well, that and youtubeing videos of puppies.
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