(Photo from Donkey Dish)
Wow. Unbelievable! Last night's presidential debates produced some mad twitters. It seemed like there was a new twitter faster than the seconds were passing. I just plain couldn't keep up. The tweets I did get to read, however, proved interesting and humorous.
My favorite tweet of the night had to be that McCain looked like he was walking around the room like he lost his keys. Priceless. From that point on, each time he spoke I could only laugh because McCain was indeed searching for his lost keys...or marbles.
Anyways, what an experience. I felt like I was in a huge living room where millions of people were saying exactly what they wanted to each other just as the thought came to mind.Those are the best kind of conversations. Never a dull moment.
I liked getting both Democrat and Republican views. It was nice for a change to hear what people are really thinking about, even though I didn’t always want to hear it. I feel like I have connected with my fellow American citizens.
Besides all of that, seeing what people were talking about and watching what was actually happening was enlightening: a million takes on the same few words.
Katelyn, though you did not take the 500 words alloted you, you make some great points here.
First, I love your characterization of the Twitter environment: "a million takes on the same few words." That is awesome.
The lost keys comment was among the funniest things I read as well. It was strange how McCain kept popping into the camera shot at weird places, especially when Obama was talking.
I also really like this quote of yours: "I felt like I was in a huge living room where millions of people were saying exactly what they wanted to each other just as the thought came to mind."
That does a very good job of describing the power of Twitter.
Thanks! Yeah, sorry about the 500 words. I sort of just spit out what I was thinking on it and didn't word count it. Note to self: word count word count.
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